Friday, November 24, 2006

Java Swing binding/validation (short descriptions)

I'm collecting short descriptions about Java Swing binding/validation solutions here.
I'm mainly interested in free solutions that can be used/linked with closed source commercial products.

First I've shortly examined Spring-RCP:

Spring Rich Client Project:

Subproject of Spring Framework. Usual Spring Framework DI stuff to externalize configuration, messages, icons and other object creations/linkings. The bundle contains jgoodies.{looks, forms ... (?binding,validation?)} packages to provide enterprise level L&F. Presently still in alpha phase however being developed for more than 2 years now. Has its own binding/validation but Hibernate validation can be used too on domain objects. Has own concept for windows/views. Documentation is extremely scarce, Javadoc is rare too. Some people succeeded in developing with this framework, like adding custom JComponents and Swing RCP 0.2.1 ships with two good examples, too.
Validators and converters for domain object property types are easily injected.
If someone wants similar things shown in the examples then s/he has very easy go. But anyone wants some custom stuff, he must suffer well - due to the lack of documentation and other surrounding information.
I find it risky, but not impossible to develop in it. I think later I will take a closer look and try to understand
the form, binding, validation concepts.
Project URL:

Stillhacking has experience with jgoodies, swinglabs and netbeans

jgoodies and NB's "Custom Creation Code":

For now jgoodies gives good results fast.
Future may be different, waiting for NB6.0 that will have binding, validation framework
Now use jgoodies and NB's "Custom Creation Code" technique.
Original post for details:

Next thing for me is to get some experience with jgoodies. It's a good sign that I could find some third party tutorials and the src code has decent Javadoc.

I will share my further experiences here, waiting for you comments.